Our specially trained recruiters are experts at finding the most qualified and articulate respondents for any type of study, and our fully equipped facilities provide the ideal atmosphere for clients.
Our kitchens come fully equipped with ventilation, ovens, prep tables, walk in refrigeration units, fryers…and our focus suites are large enough to handle virtually any display. With viewing for up to 15, and adjacent lounges to accommodate even more, clients feel at home.
Our focus suites are over-sized, and flexible enough to convert into bars, back yards, hospital rooms, and even full gyms when required. Every viewing room seats from 12-15 clients, and the adjacent lounge accommodates another 4-6 guests who can view on large closed circuit televisions.

Want To Learn More About Our Services?
Insights Centers offer the full suite of MR services including:
Our locations also have a host of equipment in-house to assist with complex qualitative studies including:
- LCD projectors and screens
- Podiums and microphones
- Dials (and technicians to manage them)
- 60+ Laptops and tablets