At Focus & Testing, recruiting is everything. While you may be surrounded by the comforts of our facility, if the respondents you were expecting end up being the wrong demographic, then our job is not done. If your target audience consists of 35-year-old women of Mexican descent who drive a particular car, eat a specific food and have children, that is precisely who our screeners will locate for you.
There are several steps we take to ensure that our recruiting is always impeccable.
Every respondent is asked the entire screener twice and the key qualifiers an additional time. Additionally, our recruiters are trained not only to ask questions, but to listen as well. With every recruit we are striving to find those who qualify and are articulate. We recognize how important the research you are conducting in our facility is, and we truly want you to get the most out of it.
It has often been said that a great recruit can only come from a great database. Our database is extensive and representative of all of L.A. County. It is added to, deleted from and frequently revised. Through targeted campaigns we ensure that not all of our respondents come from a handful of places, and we never use Craigslist.


Past participation is also something we take very seriously. Not only do we adhere to the screener requirements, but we also take it to the next level. We take great care to make sure that a client never sees the same respondent twice in our facility. Even if it has been three years since a particular respondent was in your group, he or she will not turn up again.